jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

The last!

Hi again e.e

Firstly i want to say that i loved some posts, like "favorite food", or "favorite animal", things like that. I think that it was a funny experience, in fact when we started i didn't know how to use a blog, i didn’t  know how to do it...but eventually everything becomes funnier and less complex.

In my opinion my writing skills were developed by 60% or 70%, although i'm still using the translator because i don’t know how to write some words and obviously i fell insecure about phrases and words, but  i don’t think it affects someone

Maybe in a close future I will be writing about some of my achievements, if i achieve something of course (it sounds sad), i could write about animals, or another food i love, politics (i hate it), global warming, peace and love, i don’t know, maybe a curious topic.

Well, i could write about ghosts or paranormal activities  in my house, nowday It is very common that strange things happen on it, why? I don’t have idea.

All of you! Have a nice weekend “And may the odds be ever in your favor.'' (Hunger Games J) I’m trying to get two hundred words :C

Good Bye !!

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Pizza Pizza !

Hi all!

Today is FOOD day! yes!...firstly i want to say that when i was younger i did't have any favorite food, i don't know why but i liked everything i ate, because of that i was a small ball.

Now, i know that this food which i chose is not a complete dish but i'm sorry...it is perfect! and the reason why i like it is because it has a splendid favor, you can choose what you want to put on it, if you want to put pineapple, bacon, corn, whatever, you can do it because this food it has no limits!
hawaiian pizza :)

If you want to eat pizza but you are too lazy to do it at home you can go out and visit the Pizza Hut's restaurant, Telepizza, Pizza Pizza or Papa John's restaurant, you will find a lot of places to it a beautiful pizza.

The last day i ate pizza was in July for my birthday i asked as a special gift, and now i can't eat pizza because i'm on a diet but i can live whitout it...so, everyone has to eat pizza!


jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Favorite book?...NO

Hi again!

I would like to know how to start but it's hard because I do not like to read, i prefer to do something funnier like play the guitar or listen to music.

The reason why i don't like reading is because my eyes get tired and i start to see blurry(borroso)...but of course i respect those who love to read, everyone has their tastes.

When i was a child i read a little to get good grades(i don't know why), but when i was like 14 years old i started reading a little more because everyone read and i just wanted to be popular :C.

Perhaps i could start to read more in a close future, but actually i hate to spend my time sitting in a sofa with a book in my hands.

I know that one day i would have a favorite book but i don't think that i would published this important achievement because i may be to old to do it.
 Thanks for spending your time reading this, though it is not very interesting.


jueves, 23 de julio de 2015



Yesterday this person gave us a presention, here at university, he is Sebastian Jimenez...
  He is obviously a famous veterinarian who studied at Universidad de Chile, in fact he appears on TV and at the radio. Sebastian create a programme which name was "La ley de la selva", here we could learn about animals.

 I can't say that this man gave me the inspiration to be a veterinarian, because since i was a child i love animals and i hadn't known him yet, but is the only person I have seen who show great respect for animals and their lifes. He is a role model  and is fortunately chilean.

I would like to be like him, very succesful but not famous because i wouldn't like to be in television. Maybe one day i would be recognized by people for being a good veterinarian, I would like to have a beatiful life working on what i really love.

Finally, i would like to add that Sebastian Jimenez is very funny, he use very much entagled words

If i were a famous person

Hi everyone again!

Today i have to talk about something very difficult to achieve for me because i don't have money to be a famous but i'm going to imagine...but if i think it would be pretty funny obviously if could be succesful in what i'm doing.
A day to remember

I would like to be a rock singer, very humble, withtout presuming what i am, be an example of a good famous person. i wouldn't like to have a mansion but i would like to have big house with many animals which i could pick up from the street.

I think that my inspiration to be a famous would be "A day to remember" and "PXNDX", this bands don't presume what they are, they seems to be happy and they enjoy them beautiful lifes.

Actually i'm not complaining about my life <3

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

A photograph, a lot of things


Today i would like to talk about a photograph that i like (i have to do this because is a homework). That's too difficult because there are very important moments and i don't know wich is better.

 This photo is too old that i don't know who took it but it shows one of my talents (i'm playing the guitar), my brother, my grandmothers and my uncle are in there and it was taken when i was 3 or 4 years. Firstly, i would like to say that when i was a little girl i was always happy no matter what happened, at this moment (in the picture) i was happy too, trying to call my family atention (something very weird).

I was living in San Bernardo, and i used to see my "father" until she went to España, and obviously he didn't go alone, my grandmather and my uncle went with him.

I love my photo! i would like to be at that moment... HAPPINESS <3

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

This is "my favorite pet and my favorite animal"

Hi all again D:

Panda c:
Today i have to talk about my favorite pet and my favorite animal. Beggining with my childhood...I always love animals but i loved them too much that when i was like 3 or 4 years i had a cat and i hugged him so hard that he couldn´t breathe then my mom went to see him and the poor kitten was dead (this is one of my traumas) but when i grew up i took aware on animal care.

Actually my favorite pet is my guinea pig (cuy or something like that), his name is PANDA <3, he is always running in his cage and making noise with his lovely voice, although he doesn't let me sleep because he is always biting the bars cage i could say that he makes me company and i love him.

I love a lot of types of animals but my favorite is the bengal tiger or white tiger because besides he is
beatiful, he is majestic too, i love the type of skin that he has and he seems to be a little cat but obviously he is more dangerous.

Adding that i have a dog (dachshund) her name is TOPI and she used to be my favorite pet until she killed my other guinea pig :c